Velachery Vibrates with Inner Engineering Celeberation
Our Inner Engineering program started from May 30th.....
Last twenty days was so exciting and fun filled. Each and every one eagerly to involved in volunteering.
Invites distribution at various places in velachery and madipakkam

“Volunteering is a way of learning to make our lives into a process of just giving. “Volunteer” means one who is willing – not just to do this or that, but simply willing. He is willingness. No spiritual process will happen to any
human being unless he becomes willingness.“

Every time invites distribution happens unconditionally that is ,volunteers invite people with total involvement Whether they accept or not.
Selfie after invitation distribution.
Our volunteers took every possible way to Offer This program to every one around .
Our volunteers offered themselves in making the venue shining and clean to create the ambiance for inner cleaning..
Hall Is getting Ready
51 participants are underwent the life transforming session..
It happened because of every volunteers here who were so willing in taking this to people around.
Beautiful experience to everyone involved.. At Isha activities are the source of joy and togetherness
“If you are a 24-hour volunteer wherever you are, you always have a very powerful space around you.”
Everything went on effortlessly with the dedication of volunteers.
Volunteering Experience Sharing
This class has been a tremendous experience for me.. On seeing the participants... many of day after the session, they couldn't move out.. and is simply sitting in the space holding with the Energy over there.. It's quite amazing to see participants like this
I feel very much thankful for being a small tool in these kind of transformation happening beyond our thinking and understanding.
-Ramya akka
Really we could see the tremendous change in them within these 7 days. What and how He's making it out? Feeling blessed to be a part of this wonderful team.All the participants will become active volunteers I believe. Pranams to sadhguru and the teachers. A big thanks to the participants who gave us the opportunity and the co- volunteers who supported for this class to happen in such a fantastic way. Pranams.
-Neela akka
I used always be awestruck by the power of brahmananda swaroopa chant on the initiation day bcos it has bailed us out of really desperate situations. This time i felt it all the more as we just had a handful of volunteers, but absolutely willing and focussed people.The chant reverberated throughout the day with effortless flow of activities and at certain moments , i felt as if the whole place was simply melting away into the stillness created by chanting and all the people around as just one being simply offering itself creating the ambience for the participants. shambho.
-Radhika akka
Something really strange happened today . After the closing invocation, partcipants simply sat still for 20 min. We were completely clueless as to what was happening. The hall was burning with intensity and the silence was simply ringing. We just sat there with eyes closed , soaked in sadhguru's presence till 9:20. I feel so blessed to be here today ! Started wondering if the initiation is really over.
-Baskaran anna
Volunteering during the 7 days was a wonderful experience for me..7 days just went thru effortlessly. maybe I kind of understand now what offering oneself would be like.. Some layers within me got broken..
-Mani anna
Bramanda swaroopa chanting is still hearing inside me till now. Without my conscious I am singing even when I am sleeping. It is a wonderful experience I had with all volunteers . since it is first time I had some reservation with me. Because if I do anything wrong it will affect everybody. But I think I had done only a little bit . thanks for giving me the opportunity.
-Jayalakshmi Akka
It was wonderful to be with you all the last week! Such a lovely center to be in, everyone is so happy and caring. And we didn't have to worry about anything, it was all so well taken care of by all of you. Pranam to all.
-Katharine akka