Program Details Date: March 30- April 05 2022 Wed - Tue : Evening 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM Venue: Isha Yoga Center, #5271, Brindavan Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Madipakkam, Chennai-91 Landmark: Velachery MRTS/ Sunshine School / Anitha Hospital. Contact Number: 78710 4191,9500123488 Click here to register "If you learn to create the right climate in your body, mind, and emotion, your health, wellbeing, and joy – everything will be taken care of.” -Sadhguru Isha’s introductory practice is the Shambhavi Mahamudra, an ancient kriya that has millions of dedicated practitioners who aver that they experience greater emotional balance, concentration, focus, stability and better health with regular practice of the meditation. In fact, there have been several scientific studies that measure the various benefits of practicing the ...